controlling PMS

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controlling PMS

Unread post by xmetalgirl »

I finally decided to be vegetarian!
So this month I didnt eat meat at all
Now my period was suppose to come, I still have a couple more days for it too
But I dont really have any PMS anymore. Before I always used to have terrible breast pain, super depressed, super bloating, back pain, leg pain,you name it!
But after no meat, only have just hunger pretty much
Also heard that eating more veggies and beans will bind with excess estrogen and eliminates through pooping lol
So I know that each severity of periods are different, but this one is totally different lololol
Im used to at least a few symptoms but not having any feels odd for the first time
Is the vegetarian diet helping? Or is this bad?
Sam W
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Re: controlling PMS

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi xmetalgirl,

I'm not sure if there's a definite link between your new diet and your lack of PMS. It may just be a coincidence that you have a particularly mild period the month you switch to being vegetarian. But, if this starts to become a pattern, then there may be some connection in your body between the two. As of now, I'd say you don't have anything to worry about (plus, it can be nice to have at least a few periods where PMS is mild)
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