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Soft breasts

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:12 am
by sheabuttersweet
Why are my breasts so soft and squishy? I'm going through my period, and I don't have a pregnancy risk (unless non-genital to genital contact with pre ejaculate now counts as one) and my periods are nearly over. why are they so soft and squishy. is this normal? this has been going on before my periods started and now throughout my whole periods. usually i just get tender breasts before my periods.

Re: Soft breasts

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:39 pm
by Eddie C
Hello there, Sheabuttersweet. Welcome to Scarleteen! :)

Is really hard to define what is normal or not when we are talking about bodies. We are all different and we all react different too. Sometimes the same person will react different through time, you know? So we can not say why your breast are feeling different but if it is something that bothers you, you can always check in with a health care provider in person. :)