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Just a condom

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:45 pm
by Rainbowhooves
I had sex with my boyfriend for the first time a few days ago. (I was a virgin)

It really hurt and we lasted about 15 minutes because the pain was too much. We used only a condom . Nothing else.

I really want to try again , more relaxed but I would have to wait a few weeks for birth control , maybe more then a month (To get it , wait till my period comes to know i'm safe , then start it , etc)

Is using JUST a condom okay for the second time? It would be devastating to become pregnant

Re: Just a condom

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:31 pm
by Karyn
It depends how much protection from pregnancy you need to feel comfortable. Condoms are around 98% effective over one year with perfect use, and they're the only method that also protects against STIs so we're always going to recommend using them. Combined with a hormonal method like the pill (which I assume is what you mean when you say birth control) ups the effectiveness to around 99.9% over one year. Even with typical use, two methods are definitely better than one. The effectiveness rates for different methods paired together are right here in case you're curious: The Buddy System: Effectiveness Rates for Backing Up Your Birth Control With a Second Method

If you feel that a pregnancy is absolutely something you cannot deal with right now, then you may want to hold off until you have another method you can use together with condoms.

Re: Just a condom

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:01 am
by Rainbowhooves
Karyn wrote:It depends how much protection from pregnancy you need to feel comfortable. Condoms are around 98% effective over one year with perfect use, and they're the only method that also protects against STIs so we're always going to recommend using them. Combined with a hormonal method like the pill (which I assume is what you mean when you say birth control) ups the effectiveness to around 99.9% over one year. Even with typical use, two methods are definitely better than one. The effectiveness rates for different methods paired together are right here in case you're curious: The Buddy System: Effectiveness Rates for Backing Up Your Birth Control With a Second Method

If you feel that a pregnancy is absolutely something you cannot deal with right now, then you may want to hold off until you have another method you can use together with condoms.
I've decided to wait until I can get on birth control then.

The last time we had sex it didnt slip off , he didnt cum (We stopped because of the pain) , and he filled it with water afterwords to make sure it wasnt broken .
Should I be worried? There was lack of lube but the condom didnt break

Re: Just a condom

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:09 am
by Karyn
If the condom didn't break or slip off, and you used it for all genital contact, then it did its job. There's no need to fill it with water afterwards, btw, as the process of doing so can actually damage the condom and cause unnecessary worry. When condoms break, it's obvious: they tend to shred sort of like popped balloons.