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Masturbation and Orgasm?

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:28 am
by CaptainDorito
First off, I want to say thank you for having this type of place that people can go to and ask questions. And before I ask my question I should give a little background. I'm 19. I was raised in a religious household believing masturbation was wrong. But now that I'm older I want to explore myself and the world a little more. I've been looking at a lot of sites like this one to try to explain it to me. I have tried to masturbate several times but I'm not really sure if I'm doing it right??? I only see orgasms portrayed as really intense in media and in the world. I'm not even sure if my meager attempts at masturbation have given way to an orgasm. All I feel when I get ramped up is a twitching in all my muscles. My legs raise up and everything just kind of twitches and goes stiff. Or I feel a light tingly sensation throughout my body. Is this an orgasm? Generally after these happen, my clitoris is super sensitive and can't be touched. I was just hoping you guys could give me some advice or directions. While I enjoy these sensations, I was led to believe that they would be a lot more dramatic and satisfying. I also want to experiment a little more with masturbating but I don't know where to go or what direction to head in. Could you help me? Thanks a lot! :)

Re: Masturbation and Orgasm?

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:10 am
by Sam W
Hi Captaindorito,

You're quite right that the average orgasm in the media is shown as this super big giant sensation. And, as your discovering, that does not actually reflect the reality of orgasms for many people (and, for most people, orgasms will vary in strength and intensity).

Really, there is no one "right" way to masturbate. People find all sorts of ways to stimulate themselves, and it's mostly about experimenting and finding out what works for you (which it sounds like you're already doing, go you! ). That being said, we do have a piece that you might find a helpful read right now:
How Do You Masturbate?