Bleeding between periods. Please help!

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Bleeding between periods. Please help!

Unread post by h_17 »


For the past number of months (I couldn't really tell you exactly when it started but I would say it's been happening for at least 4 or 5 months), I've been experiencing bleeding between my periods. I've searched this numerous times online and of course I know spotting can be normal. I've been to the doctor about it and she said to see how it goes for the next few months and that she would be more worried if I was about 30 and sexually active. I told her that I have never had sex, but I was under the impression that Oral sex did not count as being sexually active. My boyfriend and I do take part in unprotected oral sex as we have never had any sexual partners before. However, I'm not entirely sure but I do think that this spotting started before I ever tried oral sex for the first time. But it's never really been full oral sex, I've never had any semen in my mouth etc apart from precum probably.

When I first noticed spotting, it was very light and was light pink in colour. For the past two times it has been heavier, sort if like a very light period. It is now bright red in colour and it also looks as if it's coming out with my discharge. This current time is the longest it has lasted, approximately 6 days. I usually notice the spotting starts between 3-7 days after my period (it's normally about a week after, every time). I feel no pain or discomfort during it and, as far as I'm aware, everything else seems to be normal. I do have quite long cycles (31-36 days) and my periods are on the heavy and painful side. I've had my period for about 5 years so I'm not sure that it's anything to do with irregularity?

I'm a bit of a worrier so of course I've scared myself by looking this up online as it tells me it could be life threatening diseases! And I absolutely cannot tell my mom I've had oral sex. Please help, it's worrying me quite a bit.
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Re: Bleeding between periods. Please help!

Unread post by Heather »

Truly, even with you not telling your healthcare provider about this, if they thought this could be any kind of infection issue, they probably would have suggested tests, regardless. So, I'd suggest you go with their suggestion -- wait this out a little bit more, then check back in with them -- and figure if there was any cause for big concern, they'd have let you know. :)

I'd just make sure you do do that follow up, mostly to make sure you're not dealing with something here like endometriosis or PCOS that treatment could help you with (particularly given the heavy, painful periods). And next time you see your doctor, go ahead and be honest. That information you share with her is private, and not something they can share with parents without your permission.
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Re: Bleeding between periods. Please help!

Unread post by h_17 »

Ok, thanks very much for your help!
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Re: Bleeding between periods. Please help!

Unread post by Heather »

Also, rest assured that if this seemed at all like something life-threatening, your doctor would not have suggested you wait. Google: not a doctor. Your doctor: a doctor. :) The former can't do that job at all, so treating it like it can isn't the way to go!
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Re: Bleeding between periods. Please help!

Unread post by h_17 »

Yeah you're right, thanks. That hasmade me feel a bit better about the whole thing. If it doesn't go away within the next few months I'll go back to the doctor :)
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Re: Bleeding between periods. Please help!

Unread post by Heather »

You're welcome. :)
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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