Male Condom Usage

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Male Condom Usage

Unread post by LadySteph »

Is a condom did not visibly break and/or slip off, is it possible for "cum" to come out of the top? I saw some cum that wasn't exactly in the tip of the condom but going up and on the head; is it possible that any came out?
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Re: Male Condom Usage

Unread post by Mo »

No, condoms are designed so that they contain any fluid inside them. They wouldn't be effective otherwise!
Did you ask this question on text too? We definitely prefer that folks ask in just one place so we can keep things straight and don't have to answer the same question multiple times. :)
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Re: Male Condom Usage

Unread post by LadySteph »

Yes I did! So sorry! I received a text saying something about my question being too long for a text so I posted here. Thank you very much.
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Re: Male Condom Usage

Unread post by Mo »

No problem. And just so you know, longer questions will be received by the text service, it's just that they're harder to respond to because sometimes they come out of order and it's harder to have a long conversation there. :)
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Re: Male Condom Usage

Unread post by LadySteph »

What if I saw some fluid on the outside of the condom? But I couldn't see a clear year or break, I actually saw his fluid contained inside, just not in the tip like usual.
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Re: Male Condom Usage

Unread post by Mo »

Generally any fluid you see on the outside of a condom will be lubrication or vaginal fluids. They really are designed not to leak, so without a break there's no reason to assume anything from inside the condom got out!
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Re: Male Condom Usage

Unread post by LadySteph »

And a break would be really obvious?
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Re: Male Condom Usage

Unread post by Mo »

Yep! Even a small break will be made larger quickly due to friction. If you don't see or notice one you can feel confident that the condom stayed intact.
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