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Contraceptive scare

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:29 am
by Inchy
Hello its inchy
I really need some advice.
I few weeks ago wile I was with my boyfriend he touched his penis that had precum on it and then I touched his hand and then I wiped my hand that had touched his hand with the precum on it on my side of my pants and wiped it very well even in between my fingers and then I touched myself on the outside of my underware( which is cotton and not lacy)with the hand that I wiped the precum off with.I touched the outside of the entrance of my vagina but I still had my under ware on and the under ware and I was not completely wet so my under ware was dry. And then a week later I got the 3 month injection.but now my period is about 5 days late? Is this because of my injection or is this because I touched the outside of my under ware by the entrance of my vagina with the hand that touched his precum and that I wiped off? Could that of been a pregnancy risk causing my period to be late?I have never had sex with my boyfriend or had direct genital to genital contact even since I got the 3 month injection.I am very worried.i would love it if u could reply. thank you very much.
I would just like to add that I have been experiencing all normal period symptoms like backache, tummy movement, tightness near ovaries and pain near my ovaries. I just need to understand what the cause is and if it might be pregnancy related thank you so much for the expert advice in advance.

Inchy :) :D

Re: Contraceptive scare

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:48 am
by Ruth
Hi, and welcome to the boards!

You'll find your answer to the pregnancy scare question here: This Is Your Pregnancy Scare Answer

As for whether or not the injection could be responsible for your late period - yes, it can. The shot can cause late, early or entirely absent periods, as well as unexpected spotting. For more information, you can have a read here: Depo-Provera (The Shot)

Re: Contraceptive scare

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:42 am
by Inchy
Hello, thank you for taking the time to reply :) I read the article and basically whenever clothing is involved it can't be a pregnancy risk because the clothing damages the semen even if it seeps through? therefore I have not had a risk ( as clothing was involved) and the only reason for my period to be weird as it is now is the injection I have received but it is not a pregnancy related delay? :)

Re: Contraceptive scare

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 7:09 am
by Ruth
Yep! That's exactly it.