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Crazy Withdrawal Bleeding

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 3:45 pm
by FruitCake
Hey there !
Long story short, my bf & I were having sex, however, the condom burst a few moments before he started ejaculated. He pulled out before he actually started ejaculating though. I bought the morning after pills the very next day, took them and a few days after i bled(like a normally do after taking EC) for about 4 days.
The weird part about this is that a few days after that bleeding ended, i started to bleed again but in a small quantity and it is brown blood. I'm not sure what to think ... any advice ? :( Worried that this may be implantation bleeding !

Re: Crazy Withdrawal Bleeding

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 3:50 pm
by Amanda
Hi Fruitcake!

EC can definitely cause changes in bleeding through the remainder of your cycle that are not necessarily predictable-- it's not implantation bleeding and nothing to worry about in your case, since bleeding got lighter and not heavier. The chances of pregnancy, with no ejaculation inside your body and having taken EC, are basically nonexistent.

Hope this helps!

Re: Crazy Withdrawal Bleeding

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 3:51 pm
by Heather
It's quite common, after menstrual periods or withdrawal bleeds, for people to experience some sheding of "old" blood which tends to be dark or brownish.

If you remain concerned about pregnancy, your next step is to take a test.

Would you like help with condom use to be sure you two are using them properly so breaks like you experienced are highly unlikely?

Re: Crazy Withdrawal Bleeding

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:10 pm
by FruitCake
Thanks for the replies ! :)
Actually, we both (my bf & I) are fully aware that we are at fault as we normally use a water-based lubricant with condoms and we have never experienced had any mishaps, however, this time we did not. We won't be trying this stunt another time.
Thanks again !

Re: Crazy Withdrawal Bleeding

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:39 pm
by FruitCake
Just an update ! Today, the bleeding got a lil heavier and brighter in colour and i'm also experiencing a little cramping(similar to when i'm menstruating). When i actually check, i should be menstruating around this time. However, i thought that after the 4 days of withdrawal bleeding from the EC, my period would arrive a bit later down. Could this actually be a lighter version of my period?

Re: Crazy Withdrawal Bleeding

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:08 pm
by Amanda
Hi Fruitcake,

Doesn't sound like there's anything to worry about, but if you're concerned perhaps you can call or email your doctor to check in?