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Crazy Withdrawal Bleeding 2

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:15 am
by FruitCake
Hey. I posted earlier that i had taken EC pills a day after a broken condom mishap and that afterwards, i had withdrawal bleeding for 4 days and AFTER that withdrawal bleeding, a few days later, i started bleeding brown blood in a small quantity. You guys replied and said that sometimes EC messes up the cycle and this may be leftover blood from the withdrawal bleeding.
But today, the bleeding got a lil heavier and brighter in colour and i'm also experiencing a little cramping(similar to when i'm menstruating). When i actually check, i should be menstruating around this time. However, i thought that after the 4 days of withdrawal bleeding from the EC, my period would arrive a bit later down. Could this actually be a lighter version of my period?

Re: Crazy Withdrawal Bleeding 2

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:44 am
by Karyn
Taking EC can mess with your cycle, but it doesn't always. It's possible that this is your period, even though you had some bleeding earlier: bleeding as a side effect doesn't necessarily mean that you won't have a period when you expect it.

Re: Crazy Withdrawal Bleeding 2

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:12 am
by FruitCake
Thanks for that :)