Withdrawal Bleed Question

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Withdrawal Bleed Question

Unread post by celica2003 »

Dear Scarleteen,
I know that a withdrawal bleed on the pill signals pregnancy did not occur in the same way a period does off the pill. A thought occurred to me the other day though and made me wonder if you had sex close to the placebo pill week (like 3 days or so before your bleed) and you still got your bleed like normal, would that still mean you're not pregnant? I just wondered out of curiosity since i know implantation doesn't occur instantaneously. I couldn't find the answer anywhere so I was curious. Thanks for any information in advance.:)
Sam W
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Re: Withdrawal Bleed Question

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi celica,

I'm going to quote Heather from this article: http://www.scarleteen.com/article/advic ... ds_and_sex

"a period has you shedding the lining needed for a fertilized egg to implant in, and because around the time a period starts, there usually is not an egg available to be fertilized, it would be very unusual to become pregnant with timing like this. When you get your period after a risk -- so long as it comes around the time you expected it and looks and feels like your usual period -- it's usually safe to assume pregnancy did not or is not going to occur from that risk."
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Re: Withdrawal Bleed Question

Unread post by celica2003 »

Ok thanks so much! :) That makes sense! So basically the same rules would apply to a withdrawal bleed?
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Re: Withdrawal Bleed Question

Unread post by Heather »

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Re: Withdrawal Bleed Question

Unread post by celica2003 »

Got it, thanks so much! You guys are awesome! :)
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