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condom slipped off!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 2:34 pm
by stacia882
well, here it goes. I was on top of him and felt that it was rather wet down there but didn't think it was anything amiss so we kept going on. Then, finally realized that the condom came off and it was inside of me. we just started for like several minutes and he have not ejaculate. When I took out the Condom, my boyfriend said it should be pre cum that has been rubbed in condom hence became whitish. according to my calender, tomorrow would be my ovulation period. Should I worry? Should I take EC? Will it be affective if anything happens? And , will it cause any side effects? Btw I'm not on BC as its uncommon here and very expensive.

hope to hear from you soon!

Re: condom slipped off!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 2:54 pm
by Mo
When a condom does come off during intercourse, there is a risk of pregnancy; the risk is lower without ejaculation but it's still present. So, if you have access to EC and this happened under 120 hours ago, you could take that to reduce your pregnancy risk.

Here's some info on EC, including effectiveness rates and potential side effects: Emergency Contraception (Plan B or the Morning-After-Pill) We can't know how you will react to it; people have a range of experiences with it. But that article will give you a general idea. :)