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Different birth control pill brands

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 2:41 pm
by emilzewinter
I started birth control pills last month and did not call my pharmacy for a refill on time so I asked the pharmacist if she could give me another brand similar to it and she did. Both of the pills are the same dosage and they are both generic versions of alesse. I was wondering if I will experience different side effects from it since it is another brand. Pharmacist made it sound like they were the same. Also, will they work right away? I did not go a day without taking a pill.

Re: Different birth control pill brands

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:32 am
by Heather
Your pharmacist is the expert here, and you already spoke to them. So, their answers to these questions are not only not likely to differ from ours, since this is, expressly, their job, they are more qualified to talk with you about your medications anyway.