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testing a condom

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:25 pm
by xmetalgirl
So i was testing and playing with a thin sensitive lifestyles condom. I was putting my nails on it, pulling, stretching it like crazy. I even put it on a handle of a brush and pulled it very hard. It made a tiny hole after a while at the base area. I noticed cause i kept checking it and had my eyes on it all times not like during intercourse. Would it make a tiny hole like that during intercourse and be unnoticeable?

Re: testing a condom

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:32 pm
by Heather
You know, the thing is, condoms are tested when they are manufactured before you even get them, and more strenuously than anything someone could do at home.

Because you did things that would not happen to a condom via intercourse, this is a tricky question to answer factually.

But what we can say is that if and when condoms rip or break during intercourse, a tiny break tends to turn into a big one very fast, due to friction. However, condoms used properly -- and not treated like you treated that one! :P -- rarely break as it is, with only around one in every 2,000 breaking even just with typical use. If you store and use condoms properly, chances are good you will never experience a condom break in a lifetime.

Re: testing a condom

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:52 pm
by xmetalgirl
Lolol ooooh right I forgot that the tiny break becomes bigger. I guess the rubber material would make it easier to become bigger, right? . Alright, was just checking :p and yeah, I was just experimenting myself to see how strong it is and it really issss. I stretched it a lot and beat it up and tried to poke holes with my nails and it still took a while, took probably like half an hour for the hole to show up!

Re: testing a condom

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:07 pm
by Heather
Well, intercourse rarely ever lasts that long in the first place. But also, I think myself a pretty open-minded person in this department, but I confess, I'm hoping your sex life doesn't involve the torture of condoms. :P

Re: testing a condom

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:36 pm
by xmetalgirl
Lololol no no no :P i just wanted to see how strong it was and how much it could take to cause it to break

Re: testing a condom

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:46 pm
by Karyn
It's pretty amazing how strong condoms are in a lot of ways for something that looks so delicate! One of my favourite ways to demonstrate how stretchy they are is to roll one over my hand and forearm, up to my elbow. :)

Re: testing a condom

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 7:30 pm
by xmetalgirl
Lol i should try that one sometime! but yeah thats what I mean it's so strong but looks so delicate that sometimes I find it unbelievable and have to see how strong it is myself. I mean like it is so weird that just this little rubber baggy simply covers the penis and saves lives and unintended babies lol. It's mind blowing sometimes

Re: testing a condom

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:13 am
by Heather
There is a great book, called, "The Humble Little Condom," that is an excellent, geeky history of condoms. I think you might just love it. :)