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How to deal with/stop being horny 24/7?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 6:49 pm
by Stumblefoot
I've looked around online and this questions always has to do with porn addiction, males, people in relationships, people who have sex, etc. None of this applies to me. I am a virgin 16 year old lesbian cis-lady. I am not addicted to porn, I look at porn maybe like once a week or so if I'm in the mood. I am not in relationship (never really been in one).

Okay 24/7 is something of an exaggeration. Usually if I am talking to someone (even if they are hot I'm not distracted or anything)/doing something I am totally invested I am just completely interested in whatever I am doing and am not sporting a metaphorical boner. But if I'm doing something that doesn't require a lot of focus or has none of my interest, or perhaps sitting on the bus doing nothing (bus rides take up about 2 hours of my day) or if I have down time and am just trying to relax, I am just counting the seconds until I can be alone in my room and masturbate. Some days are much worse than others.

Usually I masturbate at least once a day, unless I'm at a sleepover or sad or something. Masturbating is kind of a chore for me, it takes me usually about an hour to get off because I'm distracted and I don't feel any less horny seconds later. I can achieve 4 orgasms and still be horny and feel like I need something more but at that point I'm tired and bored.

I'm pretty embarrassed to post this I keep thinking "Gosh this is too much information!" but oh well. If anyone has any advice on how to better distract myself or how to stop being so gosh darn horny all the time it would be much appreciated.

I know horny-ness is really common in teenagers, and I may not even be above normal. I'm not shameful about it, and I'm not that worried. I'm just frustrated. Haha, that's the perfect way to describe it. Constant sexual frustration.

Re: How to deal with/stop being horny 24/7?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:40 am
by Heather
It's really common in people, in and post-puberty, actually. And what's also common is to have times in our life when our sexual desire is running really hot, times when it's cold, and times when it is in between.

Can I ask if you'd fill me in on why this feels like a problem for you? If it's just about feeling frustrated, that's usually not a feeling that's that big of a deal for people to deal with.