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Changes in vagina after...

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 8:15 pm
by BP
Every time I get sick (common cold, stomach flu, etc) I notice that the scent of my vaginal discharge changes for a week or so. It just smells OFF and not in a good way. I was wondering if this is normal and why it happens exactly? It freaks me out.

Re: Changes in vagina after...

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:52 am
by Heather
The vaginal environment -- when it comes to its pH balance, and it's balance of "good" and "bad" bacteria -- tends to be a sensitive one, and one where there are very constant changes and fluctuations. Just plain old daily life contributes to that, but by all means, things like illness can often play a part and create temporary changes, too.

But if you find that things seem really off often, you do want to make sure you are current with your sexual/reproductive healthcare, to be sure that's not because you have some kind of infection like BV, for instance, that needs treatment. Are you current with that care? If not, do you know where to find it?