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Stomache issues

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:32 pm
by Dolly68
Hi, I have been meaning to ask you this for awhile. I have acid reflux and a very sensitive stomache. I have sometimes Diarhea, constipation and indigestion. I know the rules on diarhea and have been told that if its right after my pill to take another one. However, I don't know the rule on indigestion. For example tonight I took my pill and then had some ice cream an hour later. My stomache has been gurgling and turning ever since and it feels like I will have diarhea at some point. ( but not till a few hours after taking the pill) Would those kinds of indigestion symptoms have any affect on absorption? Meaning will the gurgling push the pill through the system to fast or something that it won't be able to absorb properly?

Re: Stomache issues

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:53 am
by Heather
It really sounds like you need to talk to a healthcare provider about these ongoing issues first (and they can also talk to you about what, if any, issues this may pose with the pill they have prescribed you). Have you done that yet? If so, what did they say?

Re: Stomache issues

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:19 pm
by Dolly68
Yes I did. I was told that I only need to worry about the diahrea and vomiting but I forgot to ask about the turning stomache. I'm assuming its no big deal if he didn't mention it.

Re: Stomache issues

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:50 am
by Ashleah
Hi Dolly68,

You should not assume that just because a provider doesn't mention something (that you have not brought up with them) that it is not significant. They don't and can't know what's going on with you unless you share that information and by sharing it, that is how they are able to make the best decision about your care. If you are experiencing something different and/or consistently it is important to check in with your doctor to see what could be going on and how that could impact you, especially if you are on some type of medication.As Heather said, the best thing to do is to follow up with your provider about these issues and you can also ask about your medication.

Re: Stomache issues

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:17 pm
by Dolly68
I hear you. You definitely have a point. I'm going to the doctor again this week I will definitely bring it up with him!