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Chances of any STDs or HIV?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:27 pm
by lamy524
I performed oral sex on my boyfriend about three weeks ago. We are each other's first partners, and have never been or fooled around with anyone else. I swallowed his ejaculate, and two minutes later, I brushed my teeth. Right after, I had a sore throat, and it was sore for about a week. I got symptoms of a cold after that, but it went away shortly. However, my sore throat persisted. It was only slight, not painful, and I may think that I have been so anxious that it this is all in my head. What are the chances of any STDs (including HPV) or HIV I could've gotten from this? The back of my tongue has raised bumps but I've read that these tend to be benign. Could I have anything?

Re: Chances of any STDs or HIV?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:41 pm
by Johanna
Have you been to see a doctor? Physical symptoms that persist for this long are genreally something to consult a doctor about.