Birth Pills
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 11:24 am
Hi. I've been taking Marvelon for almost 6 months now. I have never really noticed any changes aside from getting really dizzy. For the past months, I've been getting really bad dizziness that I need to take up medicines to ease it up. But now, it doesn't come too often anymore.. But these past few days, I've been producing clear discharge. I've read that it's normal to get this even if in birth pills and not ovulating. But aside from that, these past few days, I noticed that my sex drive decreased. I haven't really felt that when I started taking pills, but now, It really has decreased. I also haven't noticed BEFORE that my mood gradually changed. Like, I get irritable too often. But now, I noticed that I really did. The pill is affecting my emotions. And my boyfriend is just understanding that its a side effect of the pill. What is really the harm of taking birth control pills? Should I stop it? And just stay away from vaginal intercourse? I mean, i like the advantages of taking pills.. But if it will slowly change me, then I'm willing to just stop. Any suggestions or can you please educate me more about birth control pills? Thank you so much.