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I haven't felt right in my body for the longest time

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:16 pm
by kda771
This is the worst time for this to happen. Ever since I was about 13, I haven't been comfortable as a male. At first, I thought it was something to do with puberty, but now I'm 18, about to graduate from high school and this feeling still persists. This past month I've been in a severe depression, and now it is time to get help. I need to know how.

Re: I haven't felt right in my body for the longest time

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:50 pm
by Mo
I'm sorry you're having these feelings about your body. I agree that getting help is a good idea, especially since it sounds like this is really impacting your mental health right now. If you're able to access counseling or therapy, that's a good place to start so that you can address your feelings of depression and talk about your body & gender in a safe place. Not all mental healthcare professionals are trans-friendly, but there are directories you can use to look up providers who are more likely to be supportive. You could try the provider search functions at or
Also, if you're going to be continuing on to college after high school, many colleges and universities have counseling services, or support services through LGBTQ student centers, so that might be something to look into. If you need additional help looking for counseling resources, we can try to help you track some down.

And certainly, if you'd like to discuss your feelings about your body here, we're happy to listen. :)