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Late Menstrual Cycle

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 2:26 am
by SaraC
Hey. So my period is two days late. I am 19 years old, and pretty regular since late last year. My last period was April 5th, and I was suppose to get it by April 30 because I usually have a 25-26 day cycle. This past month I did not have vaginal sex, but I did partake in oral with my boyfriend. He also fingered me but I had my underwear on. He also dry humped me, but again we had clothes on or some form of barrier, like shorts or underwear. He only ejaculates when I gave him oral, but I wash up immediately after. My PMS symptoms are usually consistent with breast pain, cramping, and mood swings. I have had minimal mood swings, slight cramping, and barely any breast pain. I can't think why I might be late. I did get a new job this month which I am really enjoying, and I did do some heavy exercise two days in a row last week. I lost a few pounds early this month, but I started eating regularly afterward, and was really not feeling like myself early April after a huge argument with my boyfriend, but during that time I still got my period. I usually get my period no matter the stress I go through, be it exercise or other stress. Then I had this fear that maybe after I gave my boyfriend oral I might have accidently touched myself after I used the bathroom, even though I always wash my hands, and I am extra cautious about that. Could I have.. Made a mistake without realizing... Or is it something else? My boyfriend tells me my fears are impossible. Please let me know! I am worried! Thanks.

Re: Late Menstrual Cycle

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 6:20 am
by Ashleah
Hi SaraC,

We ask users to start here: to assess pregnancy scares. If you need anything cleared up after you have looked over the information let me know.

It's not unusual for there to be some variation on when a period occurs, so a few days earlier or later is to be expected. Your period doesn't count as late until about 5 days after than the latest date than you would expect it to begin.

But if you would like some more information on late periods check out this article: ... _my_period

Seems you have some idea that there are several things that can impact the timing of your period, but exactly what that is for an individual is something we can't answer.

Hopefully this info helps :D