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Masturbation guilt and fear

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 2:10 pm
by emilzewinter
As you all know, I have been experiencing anxiety with pregnancy and I am seeing a psychologist for it. She helps but she isn't always here to listen. Due to my fears, my boyfriend and I don't do anything anymore but I have urges. So I masturbated and I feel so guilty and scared. I feel scared because I think, what if I had sperm somehow from something I touched? and I feel guilty because I have a boyfriend and I know he wouldn't like me doing that.

Re: Masturbation guilt and fear

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 2:20 pm
by Eddie C
People don't only masturbate because they do not have someone to have partnered sex. A lot of couples prefer masturbation from time to time and it is okay. And by all means if a your partner in not okay with that (which btw you don't have to even tell them or anyone!) then you can know that is not the right person to be in a relationship. Masturbation is something really personal and is about just you.

I'm going to leave this article here so you can read it when you have the time: ... n_okay_yep