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Condom Question

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 10:24 am
by confused123
recently I had sex with my boyfriend, we used a condom and we didn't do it for long so he didn't ejaculate. The condom didn't slip, break or have any holes (we filled it with water afterwards) and I feel like since we followed all the steps to condom use this would be considered perfect use and I know its unlikely that I will become pregnant but .. I'm still a bit nervous about pregnancy. I know 2/100 couples become pregnant after a year of perfect use. My question is how is that possible? If the condom was used perfectly doesn't that mean it didn't break or slip? If the condom fails is it obvious? Or can it fail silently? I'm nervous about being that 1/50 despite using the condom correctly

Re: Condom Question

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 10:38 am
by confused123
Since we used a condom and withdrawal longgggg before he ejaculated do you think we are safe?

Re: Condom Question

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 10:46 am
by Heather
Perfect -- or more correctly, proper -- use is about people following the directions for using condoms to the letter. The thing is, even when people do that, sometimes a condom will still slip off or break, which is how we have those 2% of pregnancies per year with proper use. Make sense?

You can look at how effective the combination of proper condom use with proper use of withdrawal is here: The Buddy System: Effectiveness Rates for Backing Up Your Birth Control With a Second Method. You'll see on that page that that combination provides an effectiveness level of over 99% when used properly, together, for one full year.

FYI, filling condoms with water afterwards isn't something anyone needs to do, and if and when doing so results in a condom springing a leak, it's most likely because it was filled with water. So, doing that gives you no helpful information, and can result in people freaking out when there's no reason for it. When a condom tears, it's obvious, like a popped ballon. The idea there will be tiny holes that happen in condoms during use no one notices is based in anti-sex and anti-condom propaganda, not fact.

It sounds like you have found you don't feel so comfortable with this combination, though. Would you like to talk about a second method you can use with condoms that is just as effective as they are or more effective?

Re: Condom Question

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 11:41 am
by confused123
Yes that makes sense :) so since there wasn't a break or leak is it safe to say the condom worked? And I think it would just be best to stop having sex right now as it can lead to pregnancy and that's not something I'm ready for. I don't know much about the pill. Do I need a prescription to be on it?

Re: Condom Question

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 11:45 am
by Heather
Yep! One of the nice things about condoms, that few other methods can offer, is that we can know, at the time of use, if that method has been fully effective for us or not.

Birth control pills do require a prescription, yes. Is the pill the specific/only method you want to talk about and consider, or do you want to talk about all your options?

Re: Condom Question

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 2:30 pm
by confused123
No thank you :) but thanks for the help & for replying so quickly

Re: Condom Question

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:31 pm
by confused123
I'm having some bleeding and my period isn't due for a week.. Could this be implantation bleeding? Im so scared

Re: Condom Question

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:43 am
by Sam W
Hi confused,

If the bleeding you're having looks, feels, and lasts as long as a period, then it is most likely your period. If you're having pregnancy worries, use this guide and it will take you through some steps of what to do: ... _companion