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Birth Control Question

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 8:52 pm
by Petite_Gyal1991
Hi, I've been on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo for a year and a couple of months now and I've noticed that I keep experiencing breast tenderness. Is that just a normal symptom with any type of birth control pill and is there any way to stop it from happening when my period is close to starting? I've also experienced hard nipples as well and I wanted to know if that was normal.

I also had one last question: About a week ago I took my birth control pill 15 minutes earlier than I was supposed to because I got caught in traffic and had to stop at the grocery store and the line was long. I knew I wasn't going to make it home by 8pm, which is when I normally take my pills daily. Does taking it an hour earlier or a couple of minutes earlier make it less effective. (I've never taken a pill late either.) Thanks!

Thanks :)

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 6:58 am
by Ashleah
Hi Petite_Gyal,

Hard nipples is not something I have not heard being associated with the pill but breast tenderness is most certainly a normal symptom people might experience. In general, breast tenderness is a pretty common side effect with hormonal methods of birth control. But side effects will vary by person!

And taking your pill a couple minutes or hours early will not impact the effectiveness

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:20 am
by Petite_Gyal1991
Thanks for clearing that up :)

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:25 am
by Ashleah
no problem!