Anywho, I was on hormonal birth control (the kind with estrogen, lowest dose possible) about a year ago, and stopped for a few months because my college nurse practitioner was afraid that I had a stroke risk. I met with my primary doctor back home a month ago, and after talking about the concerns that my old provider had, decided that I do not have much of a stroke risk and should be able to take the pill just fine.
I have been on it for about two weeks now. However, I have noticed some pretty big differences in my moods. I have definitely been a lot more depressed for about a week and a half than I used to be. It used to be that right before my period, I would be very sad. Now I have been feeling sad and overwhelmed for... well, a week and a half.
I seem to remember the pill HELPING my pre-period moods, but I don't remember this depression. Maybe I had just grown accustom to it though, I couldn't say for sure.
Could my birth control be causing this? If so, will things "settle down" after I have been on it for awhile (meaning, is this a temporary reaction to a change in my body?)
If I can't use the pill or other hormonal birth control options (such as the implant, which I had been considering) I am not really sure what to do. That really only leaves me with the IUD if I want to be super safe, and I am really uncomfortable with that >_<
(Also, I am not having and have never had penis-in-vagina sex. I just want to with my current long-term partner. But I want to sort out my birth control first, because a pregnancy could cause some very serious health concerns for me. In case you were wondering