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Can dry humping lead to pregnancy?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 7:00 am
by Lilythetornado
I'm sixteen.
So last night my guy friend Matty (we're in the same school and he is the rebel) had a get together party in some park and he asked me Lola (my friend) and some of his school friends to come but his own friends would be attending too.
I'm the innocent one and everyone wanted to get me drunk so each time Matty drank I had to, they even tried to get me to smoke weed but I said no but Lola tried.
Some people were staying over at Matt's and some were leaving.Lola,3guys out of my school and 2 in my school were sleeping over his Matty's basement and so when we got there Matty was flirting with Lola then they got under a blanket and I felt awkward because I was on the mattress next to them so 2 guys that weren't in my school and that I had just met asked if I wanted to go for a walk with them and even if it was morning Lola and Matty were making me feel awkward so I went with them and we had a good time ringing people's doorbells and scaring cats but when we snuck back in Lola and Matty were still under the blanket I think they were sleeping so Aidan one of the guys who walked with me (he is pretty funny and really good looking) slipped into my blanket and the lights were soon out.His hands were all over me and pulling me closer to him at first it was like cuddling but then he started grabbing my butt and kissing me but I said nothing which I totally regret..
He flipped us over and his hands tried to undo my jean buttons but I objected and he nodded then he guided my hands from his bare chest to his boxer and well yeah..I think he ejaculated then but I'm not sure after that his hands slipped quickly into undies and he started fingering me.He began ou lling me closer and started rocking his hips and dry humping(but he was still wearing boxers and I my jeans)then he stopped when he was finished and we cuddled while he kissed me till I fell asleep.When we woke up he acted like nothing happened and like we were normal and what happened before we fell asleep never had happened.
I just came back home and I feel super ashamed with myself I wish I hadn't done that I mean it's like the closest I've ever gotten with a boy and he just ignores it all!?How could I be this stupid?I'm so scared what if I get pregnant or something I think I'm in my ovulating days and I'm really stressed out about the whole thing,will he tell others or what?Maybe when he began fingering me he had semen on his hands I don't know but is it possible to fall pregnant this way?
We didn't have any real real sex but could all the humping and touching make pregnancy possible?

Re: Can dry humping lead to pregnancy?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 8:28 am
by taylor_alyse
Hi Lilythetornado,

First of all, welcome to Scarleteen! We are so happy to have you.

I am so sorry to hear what happened to you.

Firstly, to answer your question, no--only genital to genital contact can cause pregnancy. See this article for more information: ... _from_that
(You'll want to look at "dry sex" and "manual sex" as those are the activities you engaged in.

So, you don't have anything to worry about regarding pregnancy. However, this situation sounds like it made you feel uncomfortable --and rightfully so! In this situation, it sounded as though at no point did you give consent. But what happened is not your fault. Silence is never consent.

This article is a mini crash course in consent, but I will explain a few parts: ... ng_consent

Firstly, when you are drunk, you are unable to give full, informed and free consent. However, it does not sound as though at any time consent was asked for from him- no never means yes! Furthermore, you objected, so he blatantly crossed boundaries you set. This is not your fault, it is his for not respecting your boundaries that, regardless of any circumstances, must be respected by others. In any situation, this can be difficult to navigate in the moment, but particularly so when under the influence. But again--that is not your fault, and from your description, it seems as though it was their objective to get you to a point of intoxication.

Do you comfortable and safe moving forward? Since this is a person you might come across again, we want to make sure you feel safe and comfortable and with any resources you may need if you do see them again.