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What is this white thing in my vagina? Hymen?

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 7:03 pm
by Jtails2
So I have this white stuff sort of like really white discharge not totally white tho its like creamy (sorry for the TMI but I want to make sure I'm making sense). I'm 16 and when I look at my vagina, it's always there. I'm a virgin so it can't be an STD or anything else. So basically, my vagina hole is covered o.O But it's couldn't be discharge...i read i should use a shower head to remove it when i did i just felt pain and discomfort....and it was still there after. I have looked on Google before and my vagina looks similar to this: ... rate-hymen (the first picture) but my vagina hole is at the very bottom and is small. I know my hymen was huge but it doesn't explain the white stuff covering my vagina and in it. I have had my period many times and its normal i have heavy days and regular days :P .... Anyone have an idea of what the white stuff is and can i have my hymen removed or will it grow back. Also will my vagina hole get bigger or will my hymen retract or it stay the same size.

Re: What is this white thing in my vagina? Hymen?

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 11:54 pm
by asd123
Does it feel painful or itchy? I had white discharge when I was a virgin because I had a yeast infection. Yeast infections can happen without any sexual activity. But if you do, you most likely will feel discomfort. If you have had many regular periods you probably don't have to worry about your hymen size. Your hymen doesn't grow back. Your hymen will probably stay the same size but you can make the hole bigger by masturbating or having someone finger/insert things in.

Re: What is this white thing in my vagina? Hymen?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 1:29 am
by Karyn
Hi Jtails2.

The best person to answer your questions is a healthcare provider, because they'll be able to examine you in person and tell you exactly what's going on.

If you want some more information about the hymen (now called the corona) you can have a look at this piece: My Corona: The Anatomy Formerly Known as the Hymen & the Myths That Surround It

The hymen doesn't grow back, but neither does it need to be removed (unless it's causing problems with menstruation or sex). It's quite delicate tissue that wears away on its own gradually, due to things like menstrual flow and hormone levels. Once it wears away, the little bits that do remain just stay around the entrance to the vagina, but that's often not very obvious.

Whether or not your corona is visible, though, the entrance to the vagina will tend to look quite small when there's nothing in it, because the vagina is a muscular tube that basically collapses in on itself when there's nothing in it: a bit like a sock without a foot in it. If you haven't already seen it, there's a good overview of the anatomy of the vulva, vagina, and uterus in this piece: Innies & Outies: The Vagina, Clitoris, Uterus and More