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Copper IUD and Late/Missed Period?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:08 am
by mirrormask2011
HI Scarleteen and thank you for this wonderful site! Ok, so I have had my Copper IUD for about three months now, and I have a hard time trusting it. My Boyfriend and I have been dating for three years and we are certain that we are not ready for or want a baby. I had gone through a whole year of trying Birth Control Pills and ended up a little worse for wear (it gave me bad physical side affects as well as mental). So, I consulted this site and decided to give the IUD a try. My Boyfriend and I use Spermacide Condoms and withdraw along side the IUD for piece of mind, and as far as we know have had no condom or the IUD fail (the strings are still there). Before I was on the pill, I had always had a long time between periods (30-35 days) and would occasionally skip. Now, my period isn't here yet and I'm really nervous. I took two pregnancy tests one on day 30 and another today day 33 and they both are negative. My question is can I trust these two test? An, one article on this website said that the first day of missed period was good while another said 14 days after the incident. Well as far as I know I have no incident to count from so I'm kinda confused and would love some help.

Re: Copper IUD and Late/Missed Period?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:15 am
by Sam W
Hi mirrormask,

Yes, assuming you took both tests according to the directions, you can trust the results. And, beyond that, you've been using three methods of birth control, so your chances of pregnancy were incredibly, incredibly small to begin with. Too, you may be experiencing cycle irregularity because your body is still adjusting to the IUD.

I think you may also want to read this piece, and see if anything strikes a chord for you:
Have a Little Faith in BC

Re: Copper IUD and Late/Missed Period?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:52 am
by dday76
Sorry to jump in, but you might have won the lottery. Rejoice. One of those lucky women who get no period with an IUD. No periods for you ever again. Celebrate!

Re: Copper IUD and Late/Missed Period?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:57 am
by mirrormask2011
Thank you both for the quick reply! And thank you for the article it really helped. :)

Re: Copper IUD and Late/Missed Period?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:57 am
by Heather
Again dday, please don't post in this area of the boards marked for users to use who ONLY want responses from staff and volunteers. Thank you!

(Also, some people don't see not getting periods that way, so let's not assign feelings or values about that to people, okay? How people feel about having periods or not varies.)

By the by, given you're using a Paragard, chances are good this is temporary or not about your IUD at all, but about you typically having longer cycles, since you're not even yet late based on your cycles previous to the IUD insertion. With that kind of IUD, having periods go buh-bye or skip isn't at all likely: that is a possible side effect that's more associated with the Mirena or Skyla IUD, rather than those like the Paragard that don't contain any localized hormones.

Re: Copper IUD and Late/Missed Period?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 4:10 pm
by dday76
ok. sorry. I was just cheering on with my feelings about it. no advice intended. I'll keep off the staff boards.

Re: Copper IUD and Late/Missed Period?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 4:21 pm
by Heather
(Sorry about this, mirrormask!)

To be clear, dday, we provide this area of the boards for users who ONLY want to hear from staff and volunteers in a post. Posting to this area as a user to another user's thread dismisses that choice and want on that part, and it's not up to you or other users to find a good reason, in your mind, to do that. It's for users to respect with each other and allow each other. Too, even in another area, cheering someone you don't know on with your feelings about *their* menstrual periods, feelings they haven't even expressed having themselves? Not so cool.

This is the second thread I'd have to ask you about this with in two days, and the first time you told me you'd keep to other areas, so I'm asking you again to please respect this policy. Thank you.