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What goofy thing have you done in the name of love?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 8:26 am
by Sam W
Allow me to explain:
My partner, for years, thought I preferred black coffee. I don't, I am a cream and sugar girl. But the reason he thought this was that back when we first met, he would always bring a big cup of black coffee with him to school, and would offer me some. Wanting to accept it so that he could see how much we had in common and so that he would think I was cool because I drank it black (I swear, it made sense in my head at the time), I drank it. This went on for years, and he only figured it out when he saw me making coffee for myself in my kitchen during college.

I was telling this story to someone the other day and realizing it exemplified something that doesn't always get talked about when it comes to relationships. That is, that when we're first starting to be interested in other people romantically, most of us find ourselves doing something a little goofy or odd in an attempt to demonstrate our feelings. I think those stories deserve a little more space, because so often our stories around love focus on the big grand gestures, and miss the part where, for so many of us, love makes us do just as many silly things as it does grand ones. And those silly things remind us that we're human, and that we're learning how to express our feelings for other people.

So, how about y'all? What was something goofy you've found yourself doing in the name of love?

Re: What goofy thing have you done in the name of love?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:20 pm
by kuraimuin
I remember this being the case with my first relationship ever.
We both loved videogames, we actually met in an online game (There was a player base of millions of people, and we managed to stumble upon eachother), so he assumed I liked the same genre as he did (that being first-person shooters). Back then, videogame genres were all over the place, and if you dared call yourself a "gamer", specially if you identify yourself as a female, then you had to be an expert in all genres and types and games and everything in between, from Pong to Crysis 3.
(Oh man, this "Gamer girl" concept is something that I'd LOVE to discuss in Scarleteen boards...! I wonder if that's a possibility).

I prefered games with story and a little more strategy involved, or games that had me admiring it's wonders and bonding with their characters. Final Fantasy and Zelda were huge to me back then, but I was so into this guy that I told him I LOVED Call of Duty, that I was a pro at shooting games and that I'd love to play with him sometimes. The facade fell off quickly, as you might expect. But I found a new interest along the way: Shooting games and I learned to see the beauty in bellic things like helicopters and weapons, sorely on their artistic values.
So, at first it was a goofy thing done in the name of love, but it became a learning experience for me where I picked up new interests in videogames.

Re: What goofy thing have you done in the name of love?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:22 pm
by Heather
(Gamergirl talk away! The Et Cetera area of the boards would be great for that topic, or the gender section. :))