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Bleeding again

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 8:35 am
by Rainbowhooves
I took plan b on the 13th after the condom broke. I had sex again on the 19th and my period on the 21st. I usually have three day periods and had a really heavy flow on the 2nd day. I started birth control pills yesterday. Anyways yesterday I also notice I have begun bleeding again. It's not alot and it's a light flow like when the period is going away.

Is this normal after plan b?


Re: Bleeding again

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 10:54 am
by Heather
When taking any medication, it's always really important to read the patient information that comes with it, be that something like Plan B, an antidepressant, an antibiotic, and so forth. Mostly, that's for your health and safety, but that information also will always include common side effects. So, in the Plan B info -- the patient information that comes with it, but also the information posted about it on our main site or other health sites -- includes information on how, for instance, menstrual cycles getting a bit out of whack and intermittent or unpredictable bleeding or spotting are one of the most common side effects.