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Trying to move on

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 7:17 pm
by confused123
I had a blood test and it came back negative for pregnancy. It was done a day after I had some bleeding that I feared was implantation bleeding (it was period like and lasted 4-5 days so it could very well have been my period arriving a week early after a change in schedule, routine and diet this month & increase in stress)

If it was negative and it was done around the time implantation bleeding would occur, can I trust this negative?

Re: Trying to move on

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 8:03 pm
by Eddie C
This question has already been answered for you. If you need to re-read the information was given to you, you can always do it in here: ... 096#p12096

Moving forward, looks like you are having a lot of anxiety when it comes to sexual activities and it would be very sound to take some time off from any activities that are not making you feel safe until you feel better and more ready. Of course, is always up to you but keep in mind that sex is something that should make you feel good before AND after.

Re: Trying to move on

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 6:44 pm
by confused123
thanks for the response.. I suppose I have an answer and should just let it go but the early period I had has left me paranoid.

I just have a few more questions

why do some women claim their "implantation bleeding" looked and was the same length as a period, how is that possible ? (in my panic, I went on Google, big mistake)

my bleeding was bright red, started off light, got heavy and then gradually got lighter, lasted about 4-5 days but was 7 days early

this month I was more stressed than usual and I've had a completely different daily routine/sleeping schedule since may 1, (about a week after my last period) could this have made my period come early? What are some other causes?

If my period was a week early does that mean ovulation was a week early?

I'm sorry to bother you, I plan to talk to a counsellor tomorrow and would appreciate if someone could answer my questions

Additional info: I just turned 17 & had sex about 6 days before my expected ovulation (according to my period tracker but of course i can't be sure) the sex was protected, as we used a condom and the withdrawal method with no issues, leaks or holes of any kind

Re: Trying to move on

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 7:05 pm
by Eddie C
I can not speak for what other people say. Not the people who claim implantation bleeding looks exactly like a period (which doesn't, btw!) nor the people who claim have been abducted by aliens. :P

What I can tell you is that there are a lot of reasons why bodies can change their cycles. We are not machines. We do not sleep, eat, walk, do the same every day, right? So our bodies will behave different from time to time. If you want to learn more about this, you can do it here: ... _my_period

Unless you are charting your basal temperature and checking for your cervical mucus, there's no way to know when you ovulate. And if your app is not asking for this information, then your app is not giving you accurate information either.

Condoms all by itself have a very high efficiency rate, when you back them up with another method (withdrawal) it tends to be even better.

I'm happy to know you are planning to talk with a counselor, I think that's pretty awesome of you. Kudos for taking care of yourself! :)

…but for now, we need to set a limit with you in here. You already had a negative pregnancy test so your answer is right there. If you want to talk about ways to slow down your sexual activities we can always do that but for now, no more questions about pregnancy. Staying in this circle is not going to help you and we really want to be helpful to all our users.

Re: Trying to move on

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 9:03 pm
by confused123
I very much appreciate you taking the time to respond. Thank you so much! I'm going to try to put all this worry to bed.

Re: Trying to move on

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 11:50 pm
by Karyn
Until you can get in to see a counsellor, there are some good strategies here that you might find useful when you're feeling anxious: Self-Care a La Carte