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Medication affecting birth control

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 3:18 pm
by manfamain
Hey scarleteen,
I understand you're not doctors however I'd like some advice on the effectiveness of my birth control. I'm currently taking both steriods and antibiotics, recently I had sex with my boyfriend and he 'pulled out' as he ejactulated. We're both pretty unsure that it was a perfect withdraw, best assume it wasn't. I take my pill like clockwork but could the medication interfere with the effectiveness? I've reasearched types of antibiotics that interfere with birth control and it doesn't seem to include what I'm taking. However do steriods interfere at all?

Re: Medication affecting birth control

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 5:13 pm
by Ashleah
HI Manfanmin,

It's best for you to check in with the doctor who prescribes your birth control. In the meantime, backing up with a condom is always a good idea when you have concerns about effectiveness (while increasing your level of protection and protecting against STIs).

Re: Medication affecting birth control

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 10:04 pm
by manfamain
Thanks, do you think it's worth while taking plan B in case or perhaps just talking to my doctor?

Re: Medication affecting birth control

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 7:47 am
by Sam W
Hi manfamain,

If you a very concerned about pregnancy, then plan b is an option to you. I would still talk to your doctor though (although, if they new about the other medication you were on, and didn't warn you about it affecting your pill when they proscribed it, then odds are it won't interfere)