I don't know if I either missed two pills or had them late

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I don't know if I either missed two pills or had them late

Unread post by fredyy15 »

Hello, I started my new pack of pills on a Thursday and the following Monday 28th july I didnt have my pill on time which I normally have at 9pm. Instead I had the pill the next day around 10am. Then on friday i had sexual inercouse with out using another form of contraception. Then two weeks later on a Tuesday 12th august I was at a family gathering and I came home around 11:30pm, I forgot to have my pill so the following day I took it at 9:30am. Today, the day I took the missed/late pill, I had sexual intercourse with my boyfriend. He said he had done the withdrawal method but I know its not that effective. I have one more pill to take today and then I go on my 7 day break. I don't know whether I should start the next pack straight away or I don't now if I can get pregnant. Please help.
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Re: I don't know if I either missed two pills or had them la

Unread post by Mo »

Even if you're taking a few pills late (and with the combination pill, you have a 12-hour grace period before a pill is officially "late"), you will still have a considerable amount of protection from pregnancy. It's possible that your pills would be slightly less effective this month, but still you're well-protected and with that combined with withdrawal, the risk of pregnancy is quite low.

You don't need to start your next pack right away; you can go ahead and have your placebo week as normal. In the future, using condoms either all the time with intercourse or during months when you've had some late pills will help make up for any lessened effectiveness.
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Re: I don't know if I either missed two pills or had them la

Unread post by fredyy15 »

Omg thank you for the re-assurance!
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