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7 day break

Questions and discussion about your sexual lives, choices, activities, ideas and experiences.
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7 day break

Unread post by Prettyskittle »

I just wondered how protected you are on your 7 day break from your pill.

I am really good at taking my pills and don't miss any. However 2 weeks ago, I took my pill on Sunday as normal and then the next day I wasn't very well & had a bit of an upset stomach/threw up. It was over 9 hours since I had taken my pill so I knew my body had absorbed it.

I have had sex on the 2nd day of my 7 day break so just wondered if you are still covered in your 7 day break?
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Re: 7 day break

Unread post by Snorkmaiden »

Hi Prettyskittle,
You are just as protected during this week as you are when you are taking your pills. If you want to understand how that works, here's an article that explains it. ... ebo_period
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