New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Brand-new? This is the place for your questions and discussions on any and all topics, with fellow users or staff, while you get your feet wet.
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New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by Heather »

If you'd like to move out of the newly-registered user queue right away, as you were already a registered user at our old boards, we can do that for you.

Just post your previous handle here in this thread, and once we verify that yep, that's clearly you, we'll make that change for you. :)

We also ask that so that we can do out best with consistent recordkeeping and be sure to help users as best we can that you let us know in this thread regardless if you had an account on the old boards. That way we can be sure to have your whole history to review when giving you answers. Thanks!
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by Snorkmaiden »

Hi, I'm Snorkmaiden now and I was Snorkmaiden before! :D
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by saphira2013 »

I used to be saphira2013 and retained that URL :3 well done on the amazing new boards guys!!! They're super cool :D
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by Heather »

Okay, you two, both of you should be out of the newly registered user group now! And welcome back!
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by Snorkmaiden »

Thank you so much! Moving is such a hassle, isn't it? I'm sure this new 'home' will turn out great.
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by acb »

I was acb and I'm still acb :)
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by Cnon »

I was Cnon and I'm still Cnon.
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by Heather »

Okay, I think I have all of you who have posted here moved from the newly registered group. If I missed anyone, just give a shout! :)
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by bestsundaydress »

Hi, I was samara98 before and I'm samaraj95 now :)
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by suburban_witch »

I was thisisnotascreenname39 (and my display name was: The Definitive Po-Mo Username!).
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by Infinitea »

I was skiesofgreen on the previous boards. Thanks Heather!
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by uhohoreos »

used to be uhohoreos then, uhohoreos again : )
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by SilentDragon »

I was ConfusedDragon, but now I am SilentDragon. I also may have registered using a different email address than I used before (I have 3 and I don't remember which one I used the first time); does that make a difference?
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by Kaizen »

Kaizen before, and still Kaizen now. :-)
(For anyone who may be wondering, I got it from It's a Japanese word that according to the site means "small incremental changes that add up to large improvements over time". I found that pretty inspiring.
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by ratperson »

I was crazyhorseperson, but that was too long for the new boards, so I changed to ratperson! :3
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by moonlight »

I was moonlight bouncing off water which is too long for these boards so I changed to moonlight since that is what I got called anyways.
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by soft_masc »

I was soft_masc on the old boards and I'm soft_masc here!
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by vero_em »

Hello! These new boards are awesome!

I was -Firefly-/blysse_norwood on the old boards. Thanks!
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by aj2234 »

I was aj2234 and still am. Love the new look, guys! :)
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by Redskies »

(Just a little note: this is one of those small things where we'll need you to pardon our dust with the new boards, as Heather mentioned elsewhere. Right now, there's only a small number of staff/vols with the technical ability to make this change for you, so for those of you who've already asked in this thread or who ask around now, we haven't forgotten you, we just need to ask you to be a little patient until those folk can do it. We'll make the change for you when we can :) Thanks for your patience!)
The kyriarchy usually assumes that I am the kind of woman of whom it would approve. I have a peculiar kind of fun showing it just how much I am not.
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by Karyn »

Okay, all of you should now be removed from the newly registered users group. Thanks for your patience!
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by rawrrr »

rawrrr before, rawrrr now :)
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by kabith »

Hello, I am kabith, and I was kabith before! :)
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by Karyn »

You're all set, kabith. :)
"Where there is power, there is resistance." -Michel Foucault
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Re: New user now, but an old-timer at our old boards?

Unread post by lilyx »

Hi, I was bookwormfairy/hottie now lilyx, thank you
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