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Vagina hurts after dry humping

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 7:41 am
by niknik
Okay.. So me and my girlfriend did dry humping. I have a post here wether a dry humping will have a risk of pregnancy or not..Many people replied and said no. They even give me article about it so I am confident now that what we did called (dry humping) will not gonna cause a pregnancy..

So my main concern here is about her vagina.. She said recently that her vagina is hurting. Is that dangerous? Im worried..
some says that it's just a rug burn.. or just a friction from her pants because she hump me harder and harder.. So any information about this? any article you may want to share with me to lessen my worry? Thanks in advance. We didn't do any penetration or something.. we just have dry sex.. She wear pants and I wear shorts..

Re: Vagina hurts after dry humping

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:53 am
by Heather
If you rubbed fabric vigorously on your lips for a few minutes, you would have a good sense of why she feels sore after. :)

Is she saying this is something she likes to do and feels good for her at the time? If so, it's all good. Like any other body part, sometimes the way we use our genitals results in soreness.

Re: Vagina hurts after dry humping

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:22 am
by niknik
So you mean, I should not be worried anymore right? but thanks for the "lips" thing.. You made a point there haha :)
Do you have any article about this topic? Im still worried on her vagina.. That's not bad is it? I know it is from fabric like what you said.. But........that's not gonna make any harm right?

Re: Vagina hurts after dry humping

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:23 pm
by Eddie C
Again, as Heather already said, is all good. Probably she just needs time to let the skin heal and feel better.

Re: Vagina hurts after dry humping

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:32 am
by niknik
okay then.. Thank you :)

Re: Vagina hurts after dry humping

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:41 am
by Heather
You didn't answer my question about if this is something she likes and that feels good for her -- not at all uncomfortable, but really good -- at the time. Can you fill me in on that?

Re: Vagina hurts after dry humping

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 9:52 am
by niknik
So your question would be mean that
"if it is feels good to her when we are having dry sex and her vagina is not hurt while were making out at that time? well, her vagina begin to hurt on the next day..

by the way, I apologize in my thread "dry humping". my anxiety level has just increased because recently, I saw many sites telling that sperm can able to swim in any liquid even if it's dry sex.
So I guess I will not gonna ask anymore about that.. Im just gonna stick to this site. and after all, I know I can trust you because you give me many article that dry humping will not cause a pregnancy.. So Im really gonna trust you now.. Im sorry about that.. Just a paranoid problems.

Re: Vagina hurts after dry humping

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:00 am
by Heather
And in addition, you can start doing things that ARE effective at reducing anxiety, and work on stopping the things -- like internet searches, reassurance seeking -- that make it worse. You aren't seeing sites, after all, without looking for that stuff, so that's in your control, you just have to make those different choices.

Again with this, I'm not asking about the next day. I'm asking if she is telling you that this activity feels very good for her at the time. If it doesn't, or isn't something she ever initiates, only you, you may want to consider -- and talk with her about -- that this just doesn't feel good for her, period, so is something to take off the table. And were that the case, it also clearly is something that you don't feel comfortable with yet yourself (per all this anxiety around it), so taking it off the table might be a good idea regardless.