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How often do you feel desire?

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 7:11 am
by Sam W
When I was in middle school, I thought I was really weird because I felt sexual desire for people very frequently. In my head, having my brain go "dang, he's sexy" or daydreaming about sex in class felt like something only boys did. Girls daydreamed about dates and relationships (I assumed). It wasn't until later that I realized that, odds are, the level of sexual desire I feel on any given day is probably average.

So, I wanted to make a thread where folks could discuss their own experiences with desire. Have you ever felt like you thought about sex "too much?" Or, conversely, do you feel like you think about sex or feel sexual desire less than the average person?

Re: How often do you feel desire?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:22 am
by MusicNerd
This is a really interesting question, Sam!

Hmm, well.... I personally think I feel sexual desire "too much" or more than the average bear, especially for someone who's never gone past making out with anyone (which can make me judge myself at times, but I'm working on not doing that)... But idk, that's just me. haha :P

Re: How often do you feel desire?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:57 pm
by Nyako
I have to say, it varies for me - in a relationship, I feel it a lot, I have a relatively high libido. If I'm single, though, I'm not fazed at all - I just kind of ignore it. I don't know if that's weird? I don't tend to get sexually frustrated if sex isn't an option, if that makes sense!

Re: How often do you feel desire?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:11 pm
by Volleygirl22
Right be honest, a lot. But I'm trying to put that aside for now, because there's this guy I'm really interested in, but obviously I'm not gonna jump right into sex right away

Re: How often do you feel desire?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:47 pm
by magentakitty
lol it depends alot on the time of the month... before ovulation, sometimes i feel like i think about it several times a day... at others, not much at all!

Re: How often do you feel desire?

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:35 pm
by Carmen
I think I feel desire a lot too - and I totally relate to what you said Sam, about it being something it often seems like only boys do. It feels much less normalized for women to feel a lot of desire and talk about it openly - which can totally make it feel like it is "too much desire"!