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Condom Failure Rate

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:28 am
by Rainbowhooves
Okay so it's like a %2, right?

That is what falls into breakage, leaks, and slipoffs correct?

If none of this happens , cant you assume that it is %100 effective? Where are those %2-%3 come from?

I ended up having sex again but still have gastro problems so the pills wont do much . We used a condom that didnt break and wanted to have sex again with a condom. I mean if it doesnt break then it technically should be fine , correct?

Re: Condom Failure Rate

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:35 am
by Sam W
Hi Rainbowhooves,

Yes, as long as the condom did not break or come off, and was used for any contact that posed a risk, then you can assume it did its job. It can help to remember that those rates a figured per year, rather than per single instance, of use. You can read more about that here:

You mention the pill is not an option for you. Would you be interested in other methods, like the IUD or implant?

Re: Condom Failure Rate

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:39 am
by Rainbowhooves
Yes but where do the failure rates come from?

IUD looks scary and I heard the implant makes your hair fall out.

I mean the pills are an opinion but I'm sure how to go about it with my gastro issues. Going to see a doctor about it in a month.

Re: Condom Failure Rate

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:54 am
by Sam W
It comes from the fact that, in one full year of use, there may be an instance where there was an issue with the condom and it failed (broke or similar) or was not used at all.

There are lots of myths surrounding both the IUD and the implant, but if you're not comfortable with either of them, then you can talk to your doctor about your options when you see them. You may also want to play a game of birth control bingo to see if there is an option that you like best:

Birth Control Bingo!

Re: Condom Failure Rate

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:27 am
by Heather
And if after going through that tool Sam linked you to you want to talk about a couple possibilities you wound up with -- or get help doing any debunking, like this notion an implant makes hair fall out or that the IUD is "scary" -- give a shout, and we're happy to do that with you. :)