Some question about periods

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Some question about periods

Unread post by Omega »

So my gf and I engaged in manual sex many times and I also performed oral on her. During those events I always have my short and my underwear on (my gf is naked though) so there probably no direct genital contact. Only one time did she give me a handjob, but she still had her pants (or short on, I don't really remember) and I didn't touch her genital and she washed her him immediately without touching any part of her body. All of those situations don't pose pregnancy risk, right? Her period is now 6 days late and last week she had like a very thin strain of blood and that strain of blood appeared again 2 days ago. Is that weird? Is she having little bit of blood like that indicates that she's gonna have her period soon?
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Re: Some question about periods

Unread post by Ruth »

Hi, Omega, and welcome to the boards!

For your question about whether or not you had a pregnancy risk, see here: This Is Your Pregnancy Scare Answer.

Re: your girlfriend's period, it may be that it's due on or it may be that she just had a very light period and that's what the strains of blood were. Whether her period is late or a lot lighter than usual is all part of normal fluctuations in regularity though - with these changes being able to be caused by things less stress, or changes in diet, or many other things.
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