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Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:09 am
by toxicated
I am male 26 and had sex only a few times. I masturbate everyday 2-3 times. Is it over-masturbating? Does it result in premature ejaculation? How long a guy usually last on average?

Re: Masturbation

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:20 am
by Heather
How frequently masturbation is right for someone is up to them. Does this frequency feel right for you? Is it getting in the way of your life in any way?

Masturbation is not linked with premature ejaculation (which is a pretty iffy framework, though). Per the "how long" question, for people with penises, most studies reflect that once direct stimulation begins, usually it is just a few minutes before orgasm occurs, if it occurs. But that is an average of billions of people, so there is still a lot of diversity there, and for even one person, that will tend to vary from day to day, with sexual activities and with different partners: there are quite a few variables when it comes to this.