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A little confused, help.

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:17 pm
by Ahind1998
Okay so for starters I'm a sixteen years old girl, I come from an alright family, nothing disastrous. I went to church on & off as a child but in the last three or so years my parents divorced & my mom remarried(I live with her) & we go to church every Sunday now. I have been saved recently & I'm struggling a bit. Even as a child I had always been told, by my entire family on both my mom & dads side, that being bisexual, lesbian, or gay had always been a choice. Growing up I made sure not to make that decision, because as I had learned, it was a sin and I would not go to Heaven. These last two years I have really been struggling trying to find myself, I seemed to go through the "rebellious" stage pretty quickly & I'm in a content place in my life & I'm glad I have found Jesus Christ. The only problem is I have found that I am attracted to women, some women, not all. I don't want to be attracted to women, but for some odd reason I am. I'm attracted to men too. I like hot men & I like hot women. I don't really understand. But it's not that I like either one "sexually" but I've noticed if they're hot & they have an awesome personally I lean towards them & I realize that I look at them in a romantic way. So now I'm starting to believe, from my own experiences, that being bisexual or lesbian lt gay, isn't really much of a choice, right? The real question I have is, what do I do? I don't have anything against bisexual people or whatever, but I don't want to be bisexual or lesbian. I've read the Bible & I believe in Jesus & I believe that being bisexual lesbian or gay is a sin in the eyes of God, but I find myself looking at women (&men) I'm a romantic way, I'm attracted to them both, I don't want to go to hell but I don't know how to NOT be attracted to them. So I need some help... Any thoughts, opinions, or comments on this...?

Re: A little confused, help.

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:43 pm
by Heather
Might it help to start by talking about how homosexuality - outside of rape - isn't even discussed in the Bible, so ideas the Bible says it is not okay don't have any real basis?