Unusual discharge + symptoms, worried.

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Unusual discharge + symptoms, worried.

Unread post by hann96 »

Hi everyone!

For the past couple of months I've been experiencing what I thought was a yeast infection. To begin with, I had itchiness, burning and the standard white discharge. I wasn't too concerned as I had experienced yeast infections before and successfully treated them. I decided to use Clotrimazole as that was what worked before. Didn't help, I also started to notice that I had more discharge, this time it was more watery and sticky. It feels as if it's oozing out of my vagina, this is also affecting my anal area as it feels moist and at times itchy between my butt cheeks. It doesn't seem to have a strong odour but I think there is a slight scent there but I can't compare it to anything. I've sat down and tried to look inside with a mirror and I noticed a milky white fluid. I took a Diflucan tablet in hope that if it was just a stubborn yeast infection this would get rid of it, again it didn't. I have been extremely uncomfortable, I feel damp down there all the time and I just feel really unclean. Funnily enough the only time I feel symptom free is during my period, where I have no symptoms at all, but once my period is over it comes back.

I've been relatively busy with coursework so I hadn't had the chance to see a doctor until last week, I was however on my period and I explained my symptoms, she said that I should try using another anti fungal cream for a week and if it didn't work I had to come back and see her. While I think this has lessened my symptoms to begin with, it is now back in full force. I'm just very sick and tired of it and I've been searching the web looking for some kind of answer and I've managed to freak myself out with STD worries. I am a virgin and I haven't had anything intimate contact with anyone before so I know it's unlikely. A week before this started I did stick a handle of a razor in that area, I was in the bathtub and I was just playing around, but that is the only thing I can think of that might of caused it. I'll be going back to a doctor soon but I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas of what this could be? Just to help put my mind at rest as I've been worrying non stop. :(
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Re: Unusual discharge + symptoms, worried.

Unread post by Mo »

That sounds really uncomfortable, what a bummer. :( Sadly this is the sort of thing we just can't diagnose, or even guess at; it really takes a doctor observing your symptoms and running tests to have a sense of what you're dealing with. Without any previous sexual partners the risk of STDs/STIs is very low, so while I get that it's scary not knowing what's up it doesn't sound like that's likely. Hopefully you can get back in to the doctor soon to get this sorted.
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