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Can a 16 y/o Canadian get the pill without parental consent?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:51 am
by Brit024
A similar question has been asked before on this website regarding a minor obtaining the birth control pill without her parents' consent, but I'm asking my own because I live in Canada and I'm assuming that privacy and health care laws regarding minors may be slightly different here than in the United States. I'm also just curious about the entire process. Can I start by going to a walk-in clinic, or do I need a family doctor? Is a pelvic exam mandatory, or can I pass on that considering I'm only 16 and have never been sexually active? What about when my mom goes to the pharmacy and sees that birth control is on my medicinal history (she gets a slip of paper that has all my past and current prescriptions on it)?
Thank you:)

Re: Can a 16 y/o Canadian get the pill without parental cons

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:59 am
by Sam W
Hi Brit,

From what I can gather, your best bet may be to go to a clinic to get access to birth control. If you're concerned about confidentiality, you may want to talk to the place you plan on going ahead of time to find out the rules and policies they have around that. You can also get a prescription from your general healthcare provider, and again, you may want to ask their office directly about what they will and will not communicate to your parents.

Do you feel that your parents would not be open to you asking them for BC outright?

Re: Can a 16 y/o Canadian get the pill without parental cons

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:06 am
by Brit024
Yeah, my mother would never support that. If I brought it up to her, it would never happen. Of course, I'd rather be protected without her knowledge than unprotected without her knowledge.

Re: Can a 16 y/o Canadian get the pill without parental cons

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:09 am
by Sam W
I understand, just wanted to check and see if it was an option at all (since it would make things easier on you).