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Hated by his Mom and Sis

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 9:22 am
by baconpancake
This girl, hates me because coincidentally, most guys she likes, are having a crush on me, (no bragging intended :D) but I don't entertain the guys, because I'm not into them.

So long story short, I am now dating her brother, and this girl (my boyfriend's sister) had misunderstood me because of the issue that I have stated above. She's been telling their mom that I am a total "flirt", and because of my boyfriend's sister description of me, their mom hates me as well. Also, I've heard that they want my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend, instead of me.

Of course, It's affecting me big time, because their words hurt me, and the thought that they like the ex-girlfriend better, hurts me. I never really done anything wrong to them, but they loathe me.

I am trying to reach out and be nice with them, prove them wrong that I am not a "flirt" but whatever I do, they cut me off. How do I deal with this?

Re: Hated by his Mom and Sis

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 12:59 pm
by Heather
My best advice would be to see what you can do to stop trying to change their minds, and just be the great person you are, figuring that if they're going to change their minds, you just doing you - and not trying to change them - will be what makes that happen.

The other piece is on them: they have to want to change, and are probably going to feel more inclined to that if they don't feel like you're trying to force the issue.

In the meantime, what can you do to take care of yourself? Like, for instance, reaching out for extra support from your friends and family?

It may also help to remind yourself that you're not in competition with the ex. Even if they do still really like her, they get to, and that isn't about you, nor likely to play any part in how they feel, now or later, about you.