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My girlfriend is bleeding two days after sex. What's wrong?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 4:10 am
by Rjp131
I am 17and she is 16 and we had sex for the third time (it's also the third time in a week). Each time I've worn a condom and she's been on the pill. Is it possible that we've just done it too many times in the recent past, so friction or something else is making her bleed.

She says she also has pain in the center. She says it's her uterus, but I believe it's her cervix. If I could have an answer to why either might be hurting that would be awesome

She says it is not period blood. She says its liquidy. I do not think it was he hymen because A few months ago I was fingering her and she bled a lot (which we think was the breaking of her hymen, also the bleeding occurred after the third time, not the first time)

Lastly, like I said I was wearing a condom and she is on the pill and has been on it for the last 6 months

So what's wrong?

Edit: also each time we did not use any extra lubricant

Re: My girlfriend is bleeding two days after sex. What's wro

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 4:28 am
by Heather
So, her next step is to seek out healthcare to find out what is going on per the pain and bleeding, which may or may not be related to any kind of sex. You can't diagnose someone over the internet: she needs to see a healthcare provider in person who can examine her.

Does she know where to go to get reproductive healthcare? If not, we're happy to help her find that care nearby.

But in the future, know that lubricant is a thing you two will want to be using, especially since she is on the pill - which makes the vagina more dry - and you are using condoms, which make the need for additional lubricant greater. If nothing else, it probably has not been feeling so great for her without it, so even if this has not been part of the issue with the pain or bleeding, things feeling good is probably what you're both after here, and lubricant tends to make a big difference with that.

Also, just to give you some facts, the hymen does not actually break, outside of injury or other trauma. Instead, it tends to gradually wear away over time, and by time, we are talking many years. So, unless you were being incredibly rough, bleeding that occurred with manual sex was more likely about abrasion due to not using lubricant or being too hasty, or, again, due to something else going on with her that isn't about sexual activity.