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Unread post by silverc »

Hi! I had sex with my boyfriend two days ago. Now I am experiencing a brown bleeding. I am on the pill and he were condoms. What can that be?
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Re: Strange

Unread post by Heather »

Not so strange.

Assuming you two have both been recently tested for STIs and those results are clear, so an infection isn't a possibility, that could be due to your pill -- breakthrough bleeding is a common side effect, and like with periods, can be any shade from light pink to red to brown to black -- the start of a withdrawal bleed or the end of one, or some spotting due to vaginal abrasion or irritation from sex, especially if you aren't always using plenty of lubricant.

If nothing else seems to be up, and you aren't due soon for a sexual healthcare visit anyway, there's likely no cause for concern about this.
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