Newly-registered users are limited to posting in these areas of boards just for their first five posts:
• Newbieville: Site Help & Service and Got Questions? Get Answers.
• Between you and the Scarleteam: Ask Us and Scarleteen Updates
New users may, however, read any of the other areas, and after five posts, will automatically be approved to post in those other areas as well. Newly registered users also may answer on polls, but may not create them.
Both newly registered users AND all registered users cannot:
• PM (private message) anyone: we disable the ability to PM to protect your privacy and to prevent harassment,
• Email any users, or individual staff or volunteers directly: same as above,
• Add any file attachments to posts: because we have enough work to do around here already, thanks,
• Delete threads or posts: this is important for our recordkeeping and legal protection,
• Use "friends and foes": because we all can manage to be friends here, folks: no one needs be a foe.
We ask that you please not try and purposefully create or bump up posts just to get past that tier of five posts. We've created this new way of doing things when folks are new to:
• Give new users time to just get used to the boards, how they work and the general tenor of our community,
• Spend some time reading other threads first before going all the way in, particularly to help prevent what we know is utterly unintentional foot-in-mouth disease, but which, all the same can result in sensitive discussions getting derailed by someone who's super-excited to be here (and we love that!) but perhaps a bit hasty to rush all the way in,
• Help protect everyone better from any drive-by harassment or solicitations,
• Help create and maintain a quality of discussion in the rest of the boards that we aim for, and
• Make managing big influxes of brand new users easier for our staff.
You'll find places to go ahead and get started where you can post in this area: intro threads, some general topics, and even a thread where you can just futz around a bit with the board system while you learn it without having to say or ask anything of import. So, if this seems like a place you'll want to be active in, getting to those five posts will be a breeze.
If you were already a registered and seasoned user at our previous boards, we're happy to move you through that queue into being a fully-registered user. Just leave us your old handle here, and we can do that for you:
Why can't I...?
- scarleteen founder & director
- Posts: 9777
- Joined: Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:43 am
- Age: 54
- Awesomeness Quotient: I have been a sex educator for over 25 years!
- Primary language: english
- Pronouns: they/them
- Sexual identity: queery-queer-queer
- Location: Chicago
Why can't I...?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead