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Signs period is coming?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:47 pm
by nokatprotested
What are some thing I should be looking for to tell when my period is coming? I'm expecting it to come in 4-8 days. I'm trying to ease my mind and convince myself I'm going to get my period this month after a dry sex scare. I know there's "0% chance" of sperm going through clothing so I'm not "at risk," but I'd like to know for sure my period is coming. Are there even signs I can look for?

Re: Signs period is coming?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:37 pm
by Emma
Hi, nokatprotested--the real issue here isn't looking for signs your period is coming (the most reliable signs would be cramps, noticeable PMS, and discharge, but since everyone with a vagina has unique and sometimes random menstrual patterns, no signs are surefire), but the fact that you, as you have acknowledged, have zero risk of pregnancy and yet you don't believe that fact (check out Pregnancy Scared? for more info). Your level of anxiety indicates that you're not entirely ready for or comfortable with dry sex, so consider taking a step back and evaluating what you're willing/able to do with your partner in the future!