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What Makes you Feel Confident in your Body?

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:46 am
by Sam W
Summer is upon many of us, and that can lead to some seriously weird body feelings because lots of media focuses on how to get slim/get a beach body/ be summer ready (what does that even mean).

So, what do you find helps you feel good or at peace with your body? For me, and this sounds like something out a teen comedy, it's playing around with clothes, make-up, or even perfume. Anything that reminds me that my body is my own and that I get to display it as I see fit.

Re: What Makes you Feel Confident in your Body?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:50 am
by Sunshine
- Exercise. Especially running. I don't do it to achieve anything in particular, don't care about covering a certain distance in a certain time or how well other people can do it, I just jog along to my favorite music and enjoy the feeling of my lungs expanding and my heart pumping and my muscles working. It wasn't easy to begin with, at first I could only go for a few yards before having to stop and huff and puff, but I got better and better at it with time, and now it's really pleasurable.
- Skin care. I've found that it's really helpful to take the time and use body lotion after every shower, because it forces me to deal with my entire body in a loving way. It's hard to think "I'm too fat" or "I'm ugly" while I'm basically massaging yourself. (I mean in a non-sexual way here, but of course having sex with ones self is pretty affirming, too...)
- Playing dress-up. When I'm having a bad body day (feeling bloated / sticky / whatever), I make a point of dressing in clothes I really like, doing my hair, using a little makeup and putting on jewelry. Nothing is so bad it can't be improved. :)
- Dancing. Dancing is the best. If alone, I just turn on music and hop around. Nobody can see me, so it doesn't matter how silly it looks.
- Knowledge and wonder. By this time, I know a lot about how my body works, what is where and what are signs of health and sickness. The human body is such an amazing system, it is so much more than just a display unit for clothes and accessories, and to judge it by its aesthetic value alone is so, so wrong.

I had a really hard time with this issue for a long while. I've struggled with an eating disorder, among other things. Compared to most users here, I am probably old and over the hills, but it has taken me all this time to come to terms with myself. Eventually, I managed. I think I managed pretty well. And if by any chance my experiences can be of use to others, I'd be happy to share them. (And if not, I'd be equally happy to shut up. Just let me know. :D )