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Possible Pregnancy? Need advice?

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:50 pm
by carnival19
I have been on birth control for over a year now (I think.. It could be a little over a year or a little less). Anyways so I went on birth control when I was dating an ex boyfriend of mine (we broke up over a year ago). I haven't really been sexually active when I ran out (sometime in june or july?) I didn't think that it mattered. Of course as soon as I run out I have sex; I'm not really sure if you can count it as sex. It was an in and out thing (without a condom) and then I gave him a blow job and he came in my mouth (which I then spat out) and we went in his hot tub after (that was a one night stand; we were both drinking). Then around a week later I met this really cute guy and we ended up having sex (with a condom that he had); that was sometime in june. Now it is the 14th of August (I'm not too worried but I am a little worried) and I still haven't gotten my period. I know that I was supposed to get my period sometime before the 27th of June (I am not sure of the exact date because I wasn't writing it down and I had just gotten off my birth control). So I am wondering if this is because I stopped taking my birth control or if I am possibly pregnant? Please answer this as soon as possible. I'm not stressed out or anything but I would like to know.. I am still not taking birth control because I have been waiting for my period. Please answer as soon as possible. Thanks. :shock:

Re: Possible Pregnancy? Need advice?

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:54 am
by Mo
At this point, your period's late enough that a pregnancy test would be accurate, so if you haven't taken one yet, I think that's a good first step.

We can't know if you're pregnant or not, but intercourse - even for a very brief period of time - does pose a pregnancy risk, so there was a risk with the first partner you mentioned. I can't say it's risk-free to have intercourse with a condom, but assuming it was on the entire time for intercourse and didn't break, you should be protected there. Sometimes people can have irregular cycles for a short while after coming off of birth control, but at this point it's been long enough that taking a pregnancy test is a good idea.

If it is negative, you may want to check with a doctor as we suggest that step when someone's missed two periods, even if they aren't pregnant, just so a doctor can make sure there's nothing else going on. Also, with the first partner you mentioned you did have a risk of STI transmission, so making sure you're up to date on your testing is a sound plan as well.

Re: Possible Pregnancy? Need advice?

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:50 am
by carnival19
Alright I will do that. Hopefully it is just because I went off birth control. Thanks.

Re: Possible Pregnancy? Need advice?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 1:30 am
by carnival19
I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. I still haven't gotten my period and I'm still off my birth control (because I wanted to get my period before I started taking the pill again). Do you know what could be causing this? Any advice would help.

Re: Possible Pregnancy? Need advice?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:54 am
by Ruth
This article might offer you a few explanations as to why your period might have gone missing: M.I.A or, Dude, Where's My Period?

Judging from your post dates though, it seems that you could have missed two periods by this point? In which case it could be an idea to take this to your healthcare provider, as continued absence of periods can be a symptom or cause of underlying health issues.

Re: Possible Pregnancy? Need advice?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:00 pm
by carnival19
I've missed two periods but I'm not pregnant. I'm just wondering if this could be because I stopped taking my birth control pills. If not then I will go to a walk in clinic. I know that you guys aren't doctors but if you have any ideas of what you think this could be that would be super helpful. Also I read the article but unfortunately it wasn't helpful.

Re: Possible Pregnancy? Need advice?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:31 pm
by Karyn
What was missing from the article that would have helped you?

Stopping birth control can mess up your cycle, so that's one possibility, but as Ruth said, at this point it's best to check in with a healthcare provider.

Re: Possible Pregnancy? Need advice?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:34 pm
by carnival19
Well it doesn't really give information on if your are a couple months late. I appreciate everyones help, I will check with a healthcare provider thanks.

Re: Possible Pregnancy? Need advice?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:17 am
by Karyn
Well, the possible reasons for a period being a few days late and several weeks late are often similar, which is why the article doesn't really go into that in depth. Regardless, checking in with a healthcare provider never hurts.