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Bumps in vag (TMI)

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:50 pm
by Rainbowhooves
Sorry for the back to back post.

So before I started having sex I noticed I had these bumps around the opening of my vag. They were white and are past the lips and second set of "lips" all the way to the top of the second set.

I was taking a look tonight and noticed them even more now that I'm no longer a virgin. They are two lines of clusters of balls that lead upwards but stop clean around the opening.

I dont know the anatomy of the vagina and I have no woman I can ask. Is this normal? Theyre red now and more noticeable . My vagina all together looks different . One of the bumps is pretty big and looks like part of what covered the opening but is stuck to the side. It's not round but like a chunk.


Re: Bumps in vag (TMI)

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:14 pm
by Rainbowhooves
I did a google search and the bumps look exactly like HPV wart bumps.

I had these before being active? How could I have gotten HPV?

Re: Bumps in vag (TMI)

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:00 am
by Heather
Neither you nor we can diagnose you with anything, nor say for sure what these are. But, if you have always had them, they may just be the texture of your genital tissue, which does tend to be bumpy in spots, kind of like chicken skin, or Fordyce spots, a common, benign variation on mucous membrane like the genitals or lips. Genital tissue tends to swell with irritation like you have been having, so things like this tend to become more raised and noticeable.

However, the best person to check in with is a sexual healthcare provider, who *can* say for sure. Since you need to make an appointment anyway, this is something else you can ask about while you're there.